

A revolution in the making

Demand for agricultural commodities is rising rapidly as the population grows. Livestock farming’s deep connections to the Bangladesh's economy, local communities and biodiversity make it one of the most important frontiers for economic development. We believe in the combined, these local communities accumulate decades—and generations—worth of wisdom valuable to sustainable livestock farming and environmental conservation.
Contact us

A family-run sustainable livestock farm that ensures to produce and supply of top-quality livestock for customers

The sustainable transformations accompanies growth are an opportunity to move the livestock farming sector toward more sustainable development and improved contribution to human diets. We are managing productivity levels and practices in ways that address adverse impacts on land, water, and the environment, as well as the risks posed to animal and human health.

20000 SQFT

20000 SQFT


Capacity to farm and sell 40 grass-fed cows every month
10000 SQFT

10000 SQFT


Large scale sheds for farming 5000 Shonali Chicken per month
90000 SQFT

90000 SQFT


Capacity to farm and sell 3000 kg deshi fish every month

While there will always be external sources that affect livestock farming, like the price of cattle, being as self-sufficient as possible goes a long way towards working in harmony with our environment.

Growing a Brighter Future Through Sustainable Livestock Farming

Sustainable livestock farming ensures that our properties stay in good shape both economically as well as environmentally, aligning our business so that it’s always in harmony with our surroundings. Rather than relying completely on others to sustain our business, we supply our livestock with feed we mainly grow ourselves. The main reasoning behind this all came down to quality control - we want to ensure that what we give our livestock is the very best.

We Produce Fodder

We Produce Fodder

More than that, making our own fodder reduces the reliance we have on ever-changing market prices, as well as the potential for delayed/poor quality fodder deliveries.
We Use Solar Power

We Use Solar Power

This is a fantastic step in the direction of becoming a fully self-sufficient business. We are also in the process of equipping all of our major facilities with solar power as well.
We VALUE Community

We VALUE Community

Through our dedication to innovation and environmental conservation, we help to ensure that our land - and our surrounding community - grows and prospers.

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0189 6183 202


Joy Nogor, No 6 Doulatpur, Phulbari 5260